Student Leadership
Student involvement in the community happens in various ways. Students may step up to lead any of the clubs on campus, 他们可能会受到启发,构思一个项目,并让同伴参与进来, or they may serve on one of the groups listed below.
Academic Committee
Selected by our faculty, 学生学术委员会代表是学术委员会的重要组成部分, 负责审查学业警告名单上学生的状况, or students in other academic difficulties. In these meetings, 委员会试图通过建议可能导致更大成功的策略或方法来帮助挣扎的学生(与他或她的导师一起参加).
Community Council
社区议会是一个由各年级代表组成的组织, a faculty advisor for each grade, and additional representatives from each dorm. It plans events throughout the year – dances, the annual Halloween costume contest, a Valentine’s Day flower sale, and others. 该小组也是学生表达他们的需求和关注的主要手段, and to see that action is taken. Community Council presidents (see our 2019-2020 presidents in the photo above) 是由他们的同学和老师在每年春天的短暂竞选后选出来的吗.
Dormitory Proctors
监考员是学生领袖,负责监督宿舍的日常事务和指导方针. The proctor’s position is a very important one; they are leaders in this community who we think will work well with the teachers and the students. 监考负责策划和领导他们宿舍和更大社区的活动. 监考员帮助培养和维持积极的宿舍文化. 他们帮助学生和宿舍家长支持寄宿学生的住宿生活体验. 监考的角色有时可能很困难,需要承担很大的责任.
House Leaders
Solebury's entire student body, faculty, and staff are divided up into four houses, named after our founders: Holmquist, Washburn, Lathrop, and Erskine. 房屋全年都在竞争房屋积分,最终获胜的房屋将在年底获得奖励. Our house leaders' goal is to lead their house to victory, 定期与社区委员会开会,策划及推广社团活动及比赛.
Judiciary Committee
司法委员会由11名学生和11名教员组成. 出席JC会议的通常是两名学生和两名教员. 严重的违规行为将提交给JC审查,委员会将向学校校长或副校长提出建议. Student JC representatives are, therefore, 纪律决策过程的一个组成部分.
Peer Leaders
每年都会有一些学生被选为同侪领袖. 他们接受特别和广泛的培训,学习如何就青少年面临的许多不同和复杂的问题向同龄人提供咨询. 在秋季学期,同侪领袖每周一开会,然后在周二与新学生小组开会.
Peer Tutoring
同伴辅导项目有一些学生志愿者来辅导其他在特定课程上有困难的学生. 有关此服务的问题或请求应直接向同伴辅导协调员.