The STEM concentration at 韦德娱乐app下载地址 gives students an opportunity to go beyond the classroom offerings 和 dive into their STEM interests. Students choose the path that works best for them to complete the concentration. 这包括独立研究, looking at STEM careers 和 networking with professionals, being eng年龄d in clubs 和 special events on 和 off-campus, 和 taking a wide variety of STEM classes with the guidance of the concentration coordinators.
This concentration is geared towards students who want to have enriching experiences in STEM during their course load at Solebury. Students will work with the STEM coordinators to design a variety of experiences that students will find challenging 和 engaging. Students will then submit the activity that they completed to keep track of their progress. We believe that STEM students should have experiences that relate the work in STEM with other departments within Solebury to make a well-rounded student while increasing the exposure of the student to STEM.
Students can apply spring of 9th grade or during their 10th grade year. They must start by 11th grade in the fall to achieve the certificate.
- 四年理科
- 4年数学
- 1门STEM相关的AP课程
- One trimester independent study that is not offered within the Solebury curriculum with a presentation given to the department.
- 积极参与STEM周(两种方式之一)
- Coordinate a presenter over the course of two years during STEM week OR
- Be a presenter for STEM Week (2 times, not in the same year)
- Peer tutor in a STEM discipline (minimum one trimester per year)
- Senior project focusing on STEM 和 getting approval from STEM Coordinators
- 参加索伯里郊外的演讲活动
- Shadow a professional within a STEM career for an agreed upon amount of time
- 参加一个为期三个月的索莱伯里STEM俱乐部. (1pt)
- 参加… summer experience in STEM (internship) 和 give a talk in a general level class about it. (3分)
Community service hours giving back to 韦德娱乐app下载地址 or local community (STEM related) 经集中协调人批准. (2分)
Enriching activities: Points Needed for Completion (10pts)
- Visit a college 和 sit in on at least 1 college STEM class. (2分)
- 参加暑期STEM课程或项目 经集中协调人批准. (3分)
- 参加… Solebury travel experience (minimum 5 days) that is tied to STEM. (3分)
- Travel to a science/math/engineering expo or conference. (1pt)
Additional opportunities may be available to students as they move through their 抑制浓度. Students are encour年龄d to work with the coordinators to explore STEM-related activities that interest them.