索伯里学校和学生管理的索伯里环境行动队(SEAC)旨在通过确保所有可持续发展举措都是协调一致的努力,使可持续发展成为索伯里体验的一个组成部分. In support of this effort, SEAC hosted 可持续性 Week from April 4 - 8.
今年可持续发展周的目标是向索莱伯里社区介绍气候问题的解决方案. Since it's so easy to fall into climate futility, 我们请来了目前正在研究生物塑料和有机免耕农业等解决方案的演讲者. 同样重要的是,我们让整个社区都参与进来,使我们的校园更具可持续性. 这就是为什么我们计划社区活动,学生和员工可以参与许多不同的研讨会. level Dias, 23岁
Matt watson P ' 23 ' 25是新西兰坎特伯雷大学的教授,他目前专注于重工业的脱碳研究. 他参加了我们的荣誉化学课,讨论他领导的替代煤炭等化石燃料使用的研究, 石油, and natural gas with renewably generated electricity in heavy industry. He specifically talked about steel and cement manufacturing, which are each responsible for about 8% of global man-made CO2 emissions. Matt shared that by using renewably generated electricity, it’s possible to significantly reduce the CO2 emissions related to both steel and cement.
Alida Monaco is a graduate of Harvard College with a B.A. in Environmental 科学, Economics, and Public Policy and a minor in Astrophysics. 她目前在一家全球咨询和技术服务公司担任气候变化研究员, ICF国际. At ICF She works to reduce greenhouse gas emissions for public and private sector clients. She discussed her previous experience working with the Harvard Office for 可持续性, 世界银行, 联合国, and the World Resources Institute. She also shared information about the rain gardens she helped install on Harvard's campus, a project students are currently working on at Solebury.
我们生物班很高兴欢迎有机菜农Mike Tholis回来参加可持续发展周. 迈克讨论了免耕和耕作耕作的区别,并从校园里两种类型的花园收集了土壤样本. 在演讲过程中, he added water to simulate erosion, asked the students to share their observations, and discussed the advant年龄s of no-till farming.
Kearni Warren is an author, advocate, and activist. 她向索莱伯里环境行动团(SEAC)俱乐部发表了关于环境正义的讲话,并回顾了环境正义的17项原则. 她在演讲中特别关注的一个问题是垃圾焚烧及其对切斯特的影响, 宾夕法尼亚州社区. She discussed why it is problematic, 注意到它比垃圾填埋场更昂贵,产生的有毒空气排放比煤炭更糟糕. Kearni urged students to educate themselves on where their trash goes, sharing that most people have no idea and that only adds to the problem.
萨曼莎·罗斯曼24年级学生参加了我们的荣誉环境科学课程,讨论环境管理和土地管理实践. She shared her family's long history of farming and her path to becoming a farmer. Samantha also talked about the mechanization of farming, explaining how it led to fewer people being needed to farm land. To wrap up the presentation she shared how she started the non-profit, 种植绿色作物, to educate communities on healthy eating and environmental stewardship.
Shane是一位环境影响者,他在圣地亚哥长大,在那里他很小的时候就开始热爱一切可持续的东西. 他的热情和保护地球的目标使他参与了从海滩清理到当地环保组织的志愿者工作,再到种植自己的花园的各种活动.
在大会期间,SEAC俱乐部介绍了索伯里校园的雨水管理. 他们讨论了一些解决方案,以改善我们环境的整体健康状况,并减少未来受到洪水负面影响的可能性. The solutions included converting some mowed areas to meadows, 安装雨水花园, and planting a riparian buffer along Primrose Creek. 演讲结束后, 这些学院进行了一场“危险”游戏来测试他们在演讲中所学到的知识. Download the Rainwater Man年龄ment On Solebury Campus Presentation.
Dr. Frank D. 马克斯是美国国家海洋和大气管理局大西洋海洋学和气象实验室飓风研究部的气象学家. 他谈到了飞入飓风的感觉,并分享了他曾飞入70多个飓风的经历. 他讨论并展示了飞入飓风的不同类型飞机的图像,以及如何利用这些飞机收集的数据进行预测. 他鼓励学生们如果对这门学科感兴趣,就去研究NOAA提供的各种机会.
Josh DeVincenzo是哥伦比亚大学国家防灾中心的高级教学设计师和项目协调员. He joined our Spanish class to discuss climate change and disaster preparedness. Josh谈到了他的重点是开发与应对灾难准备的培训项目相关的学习经验, 响应, 复苏, 和弹性. 他还分享了他希望创建可访问的高质量教育节目,以大规模地造福于共同利益, particularly around themes of climate change. He ended the presentation with an activity, allowing students to decide how to respond to different types of disasters.
After some rescheduling due to weather, 可持续发展周以不同的工作坊结束,让我们的校园更可持续发展. Students had the opportunity to choose from activities such as planting a riparian buffer, 种植雨水花园, 住铆合, 学习堆肥, 建造蜂房, 和更多的!