Welcome From the 校长

校长 汤姆Wilschutz -  韦德娱乐app下载地址
"At Solebury, the individual is prized. Solebury students do not fit a mold, but in their dress, 他们的业余爱好, and their passions, 他们被鼓励表达自己,并在智力上为自己的个人卓越而奋斗, 在艺术上, 和运动." —HEAD OF SCHOOL TOM WILSCHUTZ

If you're reading this letter, 很有可能你是一位准家长,想知道索伯里学校是否适合你的儿子或女儿. In 2008, when I was a candidate for the position of Head of Solebury, 我在做和你一样的事情:收集信息,考虑是否合适. When I visited the school for the first time in January 2008, 我发现了一所非常特别的学校,我在第一次访问时就知道他们是否需要我, 我想要它们.

坐落在宾夕法尼亚州乡村绵延140英亩的校园里, 我发现235名学生和他们的教师把学习当作一件令人兴奋的事情, shared endeavor between teachers and students. 我很快发现,这种独特的教育方式并非偶然,而是韦德娱乐app下载地址教育理念的基石,可以追溯到1925年四位创始人的愿景. In that first visit, 我了解到,这种精心设计的师生关系,实际上是我在了解索伯里时所看到和经历的一切的基础. 我找到了一件便服, friendly atmosphere permeating the Solebury community, 一所老师和学生互相称呼名字的学校, 一个有“我们在一起,学习可以是有趣和令人兴奋的”意识的学校."

随着时间的推移,这些对索伯里学校最初的积极印象只会加深. 我非常欣赏索伯里在为学生提供教育和创造最佳学习氛围方面所做的努力. Solebury is crafted to be intentionally small. Our size fosters quality communication among our students, teachers and parents, 使我们的老师能够真正了解他们的学生. At Solebury, the individual is prized. Solebury students do not fit a mold, but in their dress, 他们的业余爱好 and their passions, 他们被鼓励去表达自己,为个人的卓越而奋斗, 智力, 在艺术上 和运动. 其结果是一个神奇的学习环境,其特点是创造力和多样性之间的奇妙张力, 平衡了学生和老师之间合作学习的精神.

还有很多东西可以增强和丰富索莱伯里社区的学习经验. 校园的物理环境是激发想象力和激发创造力的理想场所,所有的人都可以在树木之间或沿樱草花溪漫步, 或者停下来欣赏一下秋天傍晚雾聚集在低洼地区的景色. 这个美丽的校园是18世纪中期的老建筑的所在地, daily reminders of early American history, and new buildings—the Abbe 科学 Center, 沃尔特·兰姆霍尔, 以及体育中心和田径项目——最先进的设施,为我们的教师提供卓越的教育体验. Other recently completed projects include our new 音乐 Center, the Crib renovation, 剧院的翻新和表演艺术中心的翻新. The School's Facilities Master Plan is currently being updated, with projects on the horizon, to include continued renovations to the Performing 艺术 Center, a new Student Center and a new girl's dormitory.

The heart of a 韦德娱乐app下载地址 education is not, 然而, our buildings or campus; it is the relationship between our 教师 and students as they eng年龄 learning, and it's hard to capture that in a letter or on a website. So, 我鼓励你们像我几年前做的那样——来参观我们,亲身了解韦德娱乐app下载地址学校. Visit our campus, talk with our students, meet our admission 工作人员. Discover what learning should be like everywhere. Discover the unique excellence that is 韦德娱乐app下载地址.
