4月14日- 21日
韦德娱乐app下载地址 celebrates the arts every spring with a week-long festival, 最后一天举行了艺术与地球日庆祝活动.
一群学生音乐家在晨星唱片公司度过了一天, 与格莱美奖得主工程师格伦·巴拉特合作录制小样.
Allie Bentley taught a figure drawing lesson on how to draw the human head. 她曾在全国范围内展出, 在费城举办个展, 纽约, 芝加哥, 和圣地亚哥. 艾丽的代理是费城的布里奇特·梅尔画廊, PA, 以及安纳波利斯的乔·弗莱明当代艺术中心, MD. She teaches Figure Drawing and Drawing at Montgomery College in Rockville, MD.
Students in Rock Band had an amazing workshop about meditation and music as it relates to improvisation with Jarrett Gilgore! 贾勒特是一位多乐器演奏家、即兴演奏家、作曲家和教师.
好莱坞内部人士艾莉森·贝内特也加入了电影专业的学生. 艾美奖提名的电视和电影编剧/制片人. She is currently Co-Executive Producer for an upcoming Netflix show and writing a feature for SONY. 艾莉森刚刚花了五年时间在20世纪电视公司签了一份合约, 她在ABC电视台的《韦德娱乐app下载地址》(Single 父母)等节目中工作。, 《韦德娱乐app下载地址》(LA to Vegas, FOX), 和儿童的 & 家庭艾美奖提名《韦德娱乐app下载地址》(Disney+). 在整个交易过程中, Alison also developed and supervised pilots for networks under the Disney umbrella. 艾莉森在20号之前, she wrote for the first four seasons of FXX's critically acclaimed comedy "You’re The Worst." Other TV credits include "The Awesomes" (Hulu) and "Betas" (Amazon Studios).
Congratulations to STC: In Residence for their outstanding performances at the Bucks County Playhouse Student Theater Festival! 索伯里学校获得了三项大奖. 索克和布斯金喜剧奖(Firebringer)及戏剧(#足够)、创意倡导奖(Creative Advocacy Award) #够了:结束枪支暴力, and Kaz Jahanbini ’25 won the Spotlight Award for Outstanding Character Work in Firebringer.
城市俚语唱片艺术家, 蹦蹦队 装配时播放.
Flutist Anna Cristina Tang Sung '23 was featured during the Young Artist Concert Series with Kim Harris on piano and special guests Leel Dias '23, 格雷格以至于, 和凯西·布洛克.
今年的研讨会由专业人士主持, 以及来自我们社区的热心人士(老师), 校友, 学生, 和父母). 他们的特色:
Beginning Salsa 跳舞 Workshop with world-champion ballroom dancer Sharonne Vinokurov
Sharonne Vinokurov教授初级萨尔萨舞课程. 学生们在1/LA风格上学习了萨尔萨舞的基本知识. -
格里夫使用了漫画中的视觉语言, 广告, 超现实主义, 和涂鸦来处理和传达现代生活的荒谬. 他拥有万宝路学院视觉艺术和写作学士学位. -
与陶瓷艺术家Salvatore Annunziato一起创造空间
木窑运营总监/艺术家驻留项目, 兰开斯特创意工厂, Salvatore discussed making a sustainable living as an artist and shared his experience exploring different approaches to creating an art practice that both feels good and generates a livable w年龄. 同时帮助您制作自己的手工花瓶或物品. -
Maddy and Clara taught the finer points of tie-dye with cool twists and lots of colors, 在实践中运用一点色彩理论. -
丽莎教我如何开始钩针编织, giving directions for a small project participants could start and take with them. -
Pinhole Camera Photography with Solebury Photography Teacher Kelli Abdoney
针孔照片是一个直接的过程. 参与者把相纸放在一个不透光的盒子里, and then took their pinhole camera outside where they exposed the film to light by lifting the cover off of the “pinhole”. 在那之后,当他们发展自己的形象时,奇迹开始了. 画面就在他们眼前出现在空白的白纸上! -
Participants discussed standard play formatting and the elements of what makes a great story, 然后通过写一个3-5分钟的场景来练习. -
DEI马赛克背景与Allison Tes ' 24
参与者与Allison一起在DEI日创作壁画. -
你有没有想过那些很酷的商标是怎么做的? 或者想知道激光切割机是如何工作的? Come join this hands-on session and learn how to use Adobe Illustrator to create your very own personal logo. 也许在激光切割机上做点有趣的东西? -
Students worked with Rebecca to create a cool rock and roll book from old vinyl records. -
24岁的Samantha Kitchen的指甲花纹身
Samantha gave a brief introduction to historical Mehndie and the uses of henna. 然后参与者设计自己的指甲花纹身. -
Zentangle w/ Subooha Zafar P ' 26
Subooha展示了冥想绘画的艺术,禅宗. -
色彩预测与劳拉·威廉姆斯P ' 24
Color forecasting is the practice of predicting the colors and color stories that consumers will want to purchase in the near future. 劳拉教授它是如何工作的,谁参与其中,以及如何使用它. -
由索莱伯里的Cari Nelson P ' 24和Lori Davis装饰蛋糕
参与者们表达了他们内心伟大的英国烘焙大赛梦想. -
Caitlin helped 学生 create their very own skateboard deck using Sharpie markers, 油漆笔, 丙烯酸颜料. -
大卫带我们参观了赫希菲尔德世纪, an 82-year era in which Al Hirschfeld (1903-2003) recorded and defined so much of popular culture, especially through his drawings of productions on Broadway and in Hollywood.
精英乐团带来了一个美妙的音乐之夜. 参加音乐会的人欣赏了约瑟夫·博洛涅的作品, 爱德华埃尔加, 艾灵顿公爵, 乔Hisaishi, 贾斯汀比伯, 伦纳德·科恩.
我们以艺术和地球日社区庆祝活动结束了这一周. 韦德娱乐app下载地址的家庭和我们一起欣赏现场音乐和诗歌, 欣赏和购买学生工艺品和艺术品, 用植物出售的物品装饰他们的花园.
韦德娱乐app下载地址剧团(STC)上演了一出舞台剧 #够了:结束枪支暴力. This powerful collection of short plays was written by high school 学生 from across the country, 探索枪支暴力对个人的影响, 家庭, 和社区. STC筹集了740美元的捐款 Everytown, an organization that works tirelessly to prevent gun violence and promote gun safety. This would not have been possible without your generous support and commitment to this crucial cause.